
About Us



Diary Dates

MHC Championships

• Results 2021

• Results 2022

• Results 2023

Results 2024



Safeguarding & Welfare

First Aid

Sports Council Funding

IOM Sport Aid







Membership of the Manx Horse Council is open to currently active Riding Clubs, Equestrian Organisations and allied bodies who seek to promote equestrian events and competitions and who work for the welfare of the horse and the training of horses and riders.

Applications for membership should be made in writing to the Chairman or the Secretary.

The membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March. The current annual membership fee is £30 and is reviewed each year at the Council’s AGM.

If you have not yet paid your membership fee, please can you arrange for this to be paid by bank transfer to the Manx Horse Council's bank account as follows

Manx Horse Council

Current Members 2023

1. Rhona Bond
2. Baldrine Farms
3. Ballig Farms
4. Ballawhetstone Stables
5. Ballavartyn EC
6. British Show Jumping
7. British Horse Society
8. Conrhenny EC
9. Vicky Collister
10. Raymond Cox
11. Ellan Vannin Native Pony Association
12. Jennifer Gilbey
13. Kenna RC
14. Manx Chasers RC
15. Manx Carriage Driving for the Disabled
16. Manx Harness Club
17. Pony Club
18. Riding for the Disabled
19. SDAS
20. Strenaby Stables
21. TREC
22. West Coast RC

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